Will Joe Biden be Abe-like in 2024 to Save US democracy?


Various Scenarios (Some Scary) For November 2024 Election:                

REPUBLICAN POTUS WIN:                                                                                 

DEMOCRAT POTUS WIN:                                                                                    

SCENARIOS SUMMARY:                                                                                   

What’s Coming Up Pre-November 2024 Elections?                                 

Who are the candidates running?                                                              




UGLY GOP Ultimate Goals:                                                                      

UGLY Republicans Against Humanity/Planet:                                        

UGLINESS of Republicans Undressed:                                                    

GOP ANTI-WOMEN MOVEMENT:                                                                     

GOP ANTI-WOKE/PRO-IGNORANCE MOVEMENT:                                    

GOP DOMINO EFFECT TO DESTROY DEMOCRACY:                                        

RUSSIAN REVOLT MUSSOLINI STYLE:                                                       



Various Scenarios (Some Scary) For November 2024 Election:


If GOP is allowed to illegitimately win POTUS (President of the US) by whatever margin, democracy will be gone in the US for decades or centuries to come. If an authoritarian GOP regime takes over, that is not something that will likely ever be won back without major action, such as a civil war. And if the GOP has control of the federal government and its military apparatus, there may not be any way of returning to a US democracy. The GOP has methodically and deviously calculated their every move to get to this point, and they surely are not going to unwind their achievements once they get there. They have dominant control (6 to 3) of the Supreme Court of the US (SCOTUS), and with all the redistricting they have done (extreme gerrymandering), and continue to do (local/state/federal), plus the implementing of voter suppression and purging tactics aimed at Democrats, on top of election subversion (Electoral College), they likely will have long term control over POTUS and US House of Representatives, and quite probably, the US Senate also. If the GOP wins POTUS by a significant margin, they will just move into the office. If it is a small margin, it could be disputed by the Democrats, but in the end that decision will likely be turned over to SCOTUS who naturally will decide in favor of the conservative GOP as they quickly did in 2000 in disputed election in Florida (Bush v Gore court decision) when George W. Bush won the presidency over former Vice President Al Gore. However, if there is clear evidence that the GOP had acted illegally and unconstitutionally in the election process, President Biden has the power to issue an Emergency Executive Order, and implement Martial Law before any SCOTUS action if necessary as Commander in Chief (CiC) of the US Military to suspend the election for a period of time until voting rights are restored and the election process and procedures are corrected in accordance with established laws and the Constitution.


If Democrats win POTUS by a large margin, President Joe Biden is not going anywhere, and he will remain in office, and it is inconceivable that SCOTUS would enter the picture. For a large margin win by the Dems, there would not be good justification for disputing the election, although GOP MAGAs will probably still be up in arms, but likely will not gain any steam, and will shortly fizzle out. If on the other hand, the Dems win POTUS by a slight margin, surely the GOP will dispute the results to the maximum extent possible, and once again it is possible that the decision could be turned over to SCOTUS who once again (future Trump v Biden decision) may quickly decide in favor of the GOP. And also, prior to SCOTUS deliberations on this matter, just as above, President Biden could issue an Emergency Executive Order with Martial Law and suspend the election for a period of time until voting rights are restored and the election process and procedures are corrected. There was a change in the Electoral College process, whereby the US Congress formally accepts the slate of votes from the states that are supposed to be aligned with the majority voters’ preference, but with all the monkey business that the GOP pulls, who is to say how that will turn out. That new law nullifies, or clarifies the Vice President’s role in this process, and the Dems gave up that right (VP Harris now put on sideline) for nothing in return from GOP as far as needed new legislation for Voting Rights, so the GOP just continues to ramp up their voting suppression and purging targeting the Democratic urban areas to further neutralize or nullify the Dem votes in addition to the extreme gerrymandering that has occurred.


Obviously, any close decisions either way will most likely result in significant civil upheaval to some degree. If an Emergency Executive Order (EEO) is issued along with Martial Law, the President, as CiC will have the US Military forces to address any civil disturbances, along with help from state and local police forces. Either way, it could get messy, but once the EEO is issued and in effect along with Martial Law, there is not much SCOTUS can do once it is underway and ongoing. So it will come down to who acted the fastest (POTUS or SCOTUS), and who has prepared well in advance for this likely occurrence. And there are a lot of other variable scenarios that could occur that are impossible to predict, but nonetheless, should certainly at least be thought about and discussed in contingency plans by Biden Administration: (a) Either or both Biden or Trump could be out of the picture if even one of them died or got stricken with a debilitating illness; (b) Trump could be maybe moved to the sidelines (not for certain) if he is indicted, arrested and successfully prosecuted, and hopefully imprisoned; and (c) What would happen if VP Kamala Harris was suddenly moved into the presidency slot either temporarily due to Biden illness, or permanently such as for option “a”? Well, quite certainly, GOP White Racist Christian Males would do everything they could to block anything Harris tried to achieve and the hooded white robes would be brought out and marching down the streets of American in full view if she ran for election or reelection to president.

What’s Coming Up Pre-November 2024 Elections?

Primaries by each party start up in late 2023 and first half of 2024, whereby candidates have debates and compete for votes in the primary elections, followed by the party conventions in the summer of 2024, whereby party delegates from each state officially cast their votes for their chosen candidates for president and vice president generally in alignment with the candidates who got the most votes in the primary elections; although there is no guarantee of that, especially with the GOP during this crazy fascist Trumpian MAGA era. Once each party officially endorses the chosen candidates for president and vice president, the final general election campaign along with debates begin leading up to the November 5, 2024 election.

Who are the candidates running?

 Anybody and anyone who has the finances and wherewithal to run a campaign and meets the minimum requirements given in the Constitution for the Presidency of being at least 35 years old (no maximum age), a natural born citizen, and having lived in the United States for at least 14 years is eligible to run for president. The Democrats generally have higher standards, but the Republicans do not care if the candidates are liars, con artists or shysters (e.g., Trump), in fact, that is what they prefer. And the GOP certainly does not care if the candidates have government experience of any kind in any branch of government, whether local, state or federal. Based on past history over last few decades, it is clearly apparent that the GOP seeks the worst of the lot, and they welcome rotten and nasty candidates, and the GOP platform is just plain UGLY with little if any regard for the betterment of humanity and planet, and they continually broadcast how they are anti almost everything and everybody, except white Christian males and money (lots of it), which they seek for themselves individually and for their families and cohorts.


 The likely candidates at this point (besides Nikki Haley, who is Trump Tainted), for the GOP are Trump and Florida Governor DeSantis, and both of them are extremely scary and far right extremists, who if elected will imperil the nation and the world. If the GOP wins the presidency, it is almost certain we will be entering a period of long term GOP authoritarian autocratic central government, lasting multiple decades and maybe a century or more. Once that type of government is inaugurated, it will be extremely difficult to unwind and return back to a normal democracy. One only has to look at other long term authoritarian regimes in the world (e.g., Russia, China, etc.) to see how long their dictatorial leaders stay in office, and how difficult and impossible they make it for their citizens to reform the government because opposition candidates are imprisoned or killed, and if the citizens publicly assemble and protest, they too are beaten, imprisoned or killed. And do not think for a minute, that Trump or DeSantis will not do that very same thing. DeSantis has already passed State laws restricting public assembly and protests, and has told Florida citizenry that they have a right to run over protesters if they are obstructing the public right of way. And DeSantis also has a State election police force to intimidate voters, and has passed laws making it illegal for good Samaritans to give people water or food when they are waiting in long lines to cast their votes, especially in predominantly Democratic urban areas where the number of voting polls and early voting has been intentionally and dramatically drastically reduced.

And if you do not know by now that Trump plans to be a dictator, you were not paying attention to the news when he was in office as he was always praising and being chummy with all the dictators of the world as he was pledging membership with the ADC (Authoritarian/Dictator Club). And remember when Trump was saying how he would like to take over/buy Greenland (safe climate disaster haven), and his other comment about how Venezuela was an “oil rich country right in our backyard ripe for the taking”. It is exactly what Puppet Trump’s Russian Puppeteer Putin does, such as attacking/invading and taking over Crimea, then a year ago attacking/invading the rest of Ukraine, and next he plans to do same thing to the eastern European nation of Georgia. Before, during and after his presidency, Puppet Trump was always complimenting his Puppeteer Putin on his dictatorial prowess and ability to dominate nations adjacent to Russia. Now Putin has been indicted by the International Tribunal in The Hague for crimes against humanity in Ukraine, and we can only hope and pray that the world will bring this demon to justice. And guess what? Trump has been declared the “Chosen One” by the hypocritical White (mostly male) evangelical Christians, who the demon Putin has also latched onto in Russia (i.e., Orthodox Christians there). Hopefully these two will be tried, convicted and imprisoned, and allowed to rot in prison until they finally croak and enter Hell, and then the evangelical hypocrite churches can declare them saints and worship at the altar of the demonic statues they erect in their [Dis]honor.


So New Confederate GOP leader Trump and his cohorts in crime spearheads attack on US Capitol on January 6, 2021 worst than prior Confederate attack on US Fort Sumter in South Carolina that started Civil War 1, and now he will be allowed to run for president again in 2024? Just look at the comparison below:

Casualties of Jan 6 GOP Confederate Capitol Attack versus 1861 Confederate Attack of Ft Sumter that began Civil War 1:

  • Jan 6: 5 DIED, 138 INJURED
  • Ft Sumter: DIED or INJURED =ZERO*

*Except days later for Union (=USA) soldiers, 1 died & 3 injured after cannon salute backfired when Union signaled they were evacuating the fort.

And now ask yourself, who are the ENEMIES of the USA? Clearly, the Republicans/Trump are the US ENEMIES within. They are at an early stage now, just like in pre-WW2 when Hitler had his German Nazi Brown Shirts and Mussolini had his Italian Fascist Black Shirts intimidating citizens and local and provincial governments to go along with their programs or suffer the consequences, such as when my Italian great uncle was stabbed and murdered one night by Italian Black Shirt Fascists after he stated he was neutral on Mussolini’s fascist movement. And now, right here in the USA the GOP has their MAGA Fascist Red Shirts doing the same thing, by threatening, intimidating and imparting harm to citizens and state and local governments. People have to recognize that the 20+ GOP controlled states in the USA are the Act II, post-CW1, pre-CW2 frontline forces for the New GOP Confederacy.

Those Jan 6 US Capitol ATTACKERS Seditious Insurrectionists Treasonous Traitors and their GOP Trump Confederate instigators/planners trying to start Civil War 2 should all be locked up and moved to GITMO to await trial just like the US did to other terrorists after 9/11. And now a past USDOJ attorney has said that “Trump has vowed to pardon all the January 6th defendants if reelected president in 2024”. If that is not traitorous treasonous talk, what is? That’s Civil War 2 talk by DJT and should be treated as such by President Joe Abe Biden, and this absurd talk about January 6 just being a protest, or that the FBI orchestrated it, needs to be stamped out, and the current Executive Branch of the US government needs to look at January 6 in the same manner as President Abraham Lincoln did for the Confederate Ft Sumter ATTACK that began Civil War 1.

When you read this, keep in mind, Dems will not be the ones fighting GOP Confederate MAGA MANIACS; it will be US Military under Joe Biden’s command as Commander in Chief. Nevertheless, unfortunately, this mess that the GOP has brought our nation will likely result in casualties of innocent citizens/bystanders. It just cannot be over emphasized and should not be minimized that the Jan 6 GOP Confederate MAGA Attack on the US Capitol was actually more provocative than Confederate attack on US Fort Sumter in SC that kicked off Civil War 1. Joe Abe Biden needs to realize that and get some cojones and start doing some planning with Secretary of Defense, Lloyd Austin on how this will be dealt with in 2024 when all hell is likely to break loose around election time.


UGLY GOP Ultimate Goals:

The GOP Ultimate Goals are pure UGLY as summarized below:

  1. Form a New Confederacy (already done in 20+ states);
  2. Reach 2/3’s super majority of states and Cancel/Rewrite Constitution;
  3. Rollback majority of current US Freedoms/Equal Rights;
  4. Establish Christianity as national religion, end “church/state separation”;
  5. Deconstruct/defund federal government in all areas except the military;
  6. End environmental, health & safety regulations & social programs.

UGLY Republicans Against Humanity/Planet:

Except for their insatiable thirst and lust for Greed and Power, the UGLY Republicans are totally against doing anything for the betterment of the common good of humanity and planet. Given below is a small sampling of the GOP’s unsocial behavior and what and who they are against:

  1. Women (reproductive rights, equal pay, etc.)
  2. Youth (college loan forgiveness, pro-climate disaster future)
  3. Senior Citizens (plan to reduce or abolish SS & Medicare)
  4. Academia/Knowledge (anti-history/science; anti-Woke/pro-Ignorance)
  5. Non Whites
  6. Non Christians
  7. Immigrants or Immigrant Seekers
  8. Workers/Labor
  9. Democracy (pro-authoritarian autocracy)
  10. Civil Rights
  11. Constitution
  12. Fair wages (pro-income inequality)
  13. Occupational and Public health/safety
  14. Environmental protection
  15. Anything that is good for humanity & planet

Christian churches in the USA are a demonstrated political entity, and certainly should be taxed as such, and they have clearly proven by sucking up to their Chosen One, Trump, that “Holy Rollers” (= them) are worst of the worst. America has to stop thinking that the US is a Christian nation, because it is not. The Constitution specifically spells out that in our form of governance there is a separation between church and state. Plainly put, the US is not a Christian nation, but rather it is a diverse nation consisting of multiple religions and faiths, and all citizens have equal rights under the US Constitution regardless of faith, including atheists.

Examples of how much the Republican Party cares about senior citizens and social programs include possible GOP presidential candidates, Martian, Senator Rick Scott, who landed in FL from outer space, who wants to end Medicare/Medicaid and Social Security, and Trump Tainted Nikki Haley from SC who is proposing to raise the age for eligibility for social security and Medicare.

Politicians of all types (esp. GOP) have totally lost focus of purpose of working for Common Good of Humanity & Planet by Protecting Environment and Wellbeing & Health/Safety of Public, and have substituted “big corporations & ultra-wealthy” for “people” in our US motto which is “government of, by and for the “PEOPLE”. Change is needed!

Republicans don’t care about future generations. They’re all rotten SOBs & SOMs (sons of Mitch’s). The more rotten you are, the higher up the UglyGOP ladder you will go.

UGLINESS of Republicans Undressed:

What Do the UGLY Republicans Look Like Stripped of Their Sheep Clothing (=wolves)?

First of all, there aren’t any good Republicans. The worst you are, the better you qualify for their UGLY party. And how could you consider any of them good if you simply just look at how the party has regressively evolved to where it is today in plain view before its party members with no one among them taking control of the situation because they fear the MAGA MANIACS. The standards they have are all BAD, and they simply do not have any good standards. Why wouldn’t a decent party throw a bottom feeder like Trump back into the scum pond? Because they are not a decent party, that’s why. It’s simply anything goes. Trump’s Ugly ass self was well known in 2015-16, and the GOP still coronated this subhuman. And look at their scumbag party leaders Marjorie Greene, Lauren Boebert, Matt Gaetz, Gym Jordan, Kevin McCarthy, Mitch McConnell and his SOMs: Sons of Mitch’s, plus the newly elected George Santos who blatantly lied on his resume during his campaign for office, and he is still in office.

In thinking of what they look like, just think of the 2021 January 6th US Capitol GOP Confederate MAGA Insurrectionist Attack – That’s What They Look Like! And the ones that got prosecuted and sentenced, Mr. UGLY Number 1 is going to pardon all those TREASONOUS TRAITORS if he gets reelected president. Or another way to think of what they look like, is to remember back in history in the pre-WW2 era when there were Nazi German Brown shirts & Fascist Italian Black shirts who would intimidate, injure and kill civilians who would not join their Nazi/Fascist movement, except now we have US Fascist Trump GOP MAGA Red shirts who will intimidate good Americans with violence/guns, etc. This is the Reemergence of new GOP Confederacy and they are VERY, VERY BAD PEOPLE.

Governors in FL, TX & GA: DeSantis, Abbott & Kemp are all USA Enemies Within and lead the US Seditious Insurrectionists along with Trump who will only get worse. As a political stunt, these cruel individual governors shipped busloads of needy immigrants to northern cities (Martha’s Vineyard, VP Harris’s residence, etc.) and just dumped them off in the cold without shelter or food, not caring what happened to these needy fellow human beings.

Sadly most people don’t recognize how devious, methodical & effective UglyGOP has been in their campaign to become GOP Autocracy come Jan ’25. Naive Nice guys Dems will be scratching their heads 19 months from now asking: “How could we have let this happen?” Answer: Dems just played way too much footsy and patty cake with these demonic Republicans.

The GOP and their MAGA MANIAC Red Shirts, showed US what they are like on Jan 6: They will stab and kill you with US flag pole – that’s what these Trump MAGA lunatics call patriotism. The sooner we recognize this group as contemporary Confederate enemies, the sooner we will back on track to save our democracy.

Must realize that anyone associated with Trump past, present or future are all badly tainted and all part of the UglyGOP. Anyone so desperate to be on DJT’s team for any amount of time in any capacity is not good for America.


The GOP controlled US Supreme Court stripped away women’s most important and personal right when they ROLLED BACK ROE v WADE, and took away Women’s Reproductive Rights. And now women who became pregnant for virtually any cause (rape, incest, etc.) have to travel hundreds and thousands of miles to get an abortion, and the GOP is in the process now of banning the abortion pill. It won’t be long, and the White GOP Christian males will be cutting back on other civil rights for women and others (LGBTQ, etc.). If these White GOP evangelical Christian males think it is so important to strip away a woman’s right to choose on how to deal with an unwanted pregnancy, they should also make vasectomies mandatory for all males upon reaching puberty and required that they carry a photo ID card stating they’re shooting blanks and are certified to safely fuck providing they attend confession regularly.


There is an anti-woke movement in the US spearheaded by FL Gov. Ron DeSantis who promotes burying all the history of the US and world, especially anything that was unpleasant. In pre-WW2 the Brown Shirt Nazis under Hitler did that, and they actually burned library books out in the streets. They haven’t quite resorted to that here yet in US, but government restrictions are already being placed in FL and other states on historical matter that can be taught in the schools. For example, in FL the approach is to limit US past history on Black slavery because it makes people feel uncomfortable, same goes for the Jim Crow movement. The thing is, lynching, raping, whipping, killing etc of Black slaves occurred, and the after effects undoubtedly still linger, and that is why these things should be taught so they don’t resurface again in any form, and instead we progress forward instead of backward towards greater equality and freedom for all. We must never hide the facts that these brutal inhumane acts occurred, and have awareness of the evilness associated with it, so the USA does not ever sink to this depravity again. Anti-Woke is just another way of saying Pro-Ignorance, and simply put, Republicans are pushing this anti-WOKE movement because their aim is to unwind history, including all the civil rights legislative advancements that have occurred in the US over many decades.


Back in the days when the US had its Military Industrial Complex program of stamping out communism throughout the world they called it the domino effect. The general idea was, that communist countries were sprouting up all over the world, and the US was going to topple all of them before they managed to topple us. So, with the domino policy, the US went on a military rampage of death and destruction to stamp out communism and to democratize the world, similar to what President George W. Bush and VP Dick Cheney did when they attacked Iraq in 2003 on the false made up premise that Saddam Hussein had Weapons of Mass Destruction and was going to destroy the US and the whole world. George W even touted how he and the US were going to bless and bestow upon Iraq and the Middle East our US democratic principles, which quite frankly, turned out disastrous, causing millions of deaths and massive destruction of buildings and infrastructure that will take decades to restore (of course, lost family members are gone forever). In 1961, then President Eisenhower warned us about the consequences of the Military Industrial Complex when he said: “In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military-industrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist.” And his statement was so damn right! Just think about all the death and destruction the US has wrought on other nations since that statement, including Vietnam, Cambodia, Iraq, Afghanistan, etc. And all while all that death and destruction was occurring in our enemy nations, the private Military Industrial Complex was making billions and trillions of US dollars.

Don’t you wish someone gave a warning about the evil ways of the Republican Party and the GOP domino effect they have planned all along to destroy our US democracy? And now, just look at how close they are to achieving their goal. Their goal of replacing our democracy with a US GOP Autocracy could arrive here in the USA in less than two years. Most Americans look at this likely terrible scenario as something they or their government representatives just really cannot do much to stop from happening. Unfortunately, just voting like hell may not get us out of this jam because the voting and election system is getting more corrupt by the day as the GOP is continuing their plan of ramping up voter suppression and purging and election subversion. Still go out and vote, by all means, but vote and pray all you want, and if President Joe Abe Biden and his military don’t step in when needed (Emergency Executive Order and Martial Law), the GOP will likely be successful in achieving their plan to create an authoritarian GOP regime right here in the US.

Bad things are generated by prior bad actions of those who began the negative domino effect (=GOP). Evil breeds evil (evil GOPers multiplying exponentially), and eventually there are consequences for actions and inactions by both the GOP (evil actions) and Democrats (mostly Dems’ inaction). Accounting may come soon or may come later, but [do not] rest assured, bad things will be coming on the current track the US is on.

Republican dominoes of death & destruction: it’s what they all do well, and they say it is for the good of US as they feed our tax dollars to Military/Industrial Complex, private prisons, anti-public schools/pro-charter schools programs, etc., doing all this to increase profits and wealth for the Big Corporations and the Ultra-Wealthy, while selfishly ignoring what is best for the common good of humanity and the planet. 

And keep in mind, there are GOP individuals like Erik Prince, Betsy Devos’ brother, of the former Blackwater corporation who runs a private militia (killing for profit), that may very well be a subcontractor to Wagner private militia that Russians are using to kill Ukrainians? UglyGOP will do anything for money just so they or their children don’t have to fight in wars and get injured or killed. The Erik Prince Black Water group were killing for profit in the Iraq War, as funded by the help of his buddies George W Bush and Dick Cheney. It certainly wouldn’t be too surprising if Erik Prince was doing private mercenary work right now for his two amigos Putin & Trump? Just remember the GOP motto: “Another person’s or country’s disaster/suffering, is another person’s or corporation’s profita opportunity.” War to the GOP is a MEGA cash cow.


Being less of an energy supplier now, Russians have little going for them and should revolt and take out Putin. Putin is about as evil as you can get aside from Satan himself. And now Russian men are being forced into battle fighting a war they don’t believe in and consider unjust and inhumane in how innocent civilians are being slaughtered and their towns and infrastructure being destroyed.

Soon there will be a massive revolt by Russian patriots (Putin Resistance group) who will heroically descend on KGB agent dictator president Putin and raise him highly Mussolini style.


What’s something you used to believe about relationships, but no longer do:

Never thought family members would become my enemies. GOP MAGAts are my & US ENEMIES WITHIN regardless of past or present relationship. “Through thick or thin” no longer applies. Freedom Caucus, Trump/DeSantis MAGA GOP are plain evil & our enemies and should be treated as such. 

No matter how difficult it is (such as during holidays), stay strong and resist being around GOP MAGAts, whether family, friends or colleagues, because the negative energy they expose you to is destructive to your spirit/wellbeing. And quite simply, you don’t want to be appeasers to these evil doers because it only encourages them to continue their evil ways of being supporters to the UGLY GOP (Trump, DeSantis, or any of them). 

The MAGAts will continue their ways, because GOP/DJT has blissful ignorance appeal, which is just what ignorant people adore. And don’t expect these ignorant MAGAts to ever pick up a history book so maybe they’d learn something about what evil practices brought on the Civil War 1 and WW2. No, they don’t have time for those kinds of books because they are too absorbed in mega entertainment/news that totally shapes & distorts reality for sole purpose of profit and to teach them violent behaviors rather than promoting what is better for Common Good of society.

People are lacking so much in history, and most have no idea what Brown Shirts (Hitler German Nazis) or Black Shirts (Mussolini Italian Fascist) of WW2 era were? And they don’t realize Trump/DeSantis GOP MAGA Red Shirts are the same or WORSE!

And for God’s sake, you can still love your siblings & relatives, but you still must cut off all communication with them and not be in their presence so you’re not encouraging them as long as they are part of UglyGOP. And don’t believe this bullshit that we are supposed to communicate with moderate GOP Nazis & Fascists to better understand their point of view?

I divorced my siblings and past classmates/high school friends and they wonder why? I completely stay away from the true MAGAts because they have degenerated so far, that they are beyond recovery, and they will only taint you and others if you mingle or engage with them. I also stay away from siblings or others who cater to the GOP MAGAts themselves, and look at them as cowards and appeasers to the UGLE GOP MAGAts. And I ask the appeaser siblings: “So when you go to the siblings’ cottages this year are you going to wear your red shirts & hats so you feel more at home with the GOP Confederate Fascists? And also, Besides the red shirts & hats, the MAGAt siblings are also encouraging you to bring Russian & Confederate & American & Trump flags so you can wave them as you’re looking at their big flag poles on their front lawns with all these same flags proudly blowing in the wind on their lakefront property. This will better allow you to get onto the spirit of assisting these MAGAts in taking down US democracy and ushering in a GOP Autocracy. 


Okay, so now there is a train derailment in Ohio which has dumped tremendous amount of pollutants in the area, and suddenly US EPA is jumping into action. Yeah sure! Dwindling EPA has let 30-40,000 CRIMe plants (Chemically Real Intensive Manufacturing establishments) with leaky below grade hazardous wastewater tanks & pipes pollute our land & water for half century against 1980s laws, and now they’re going to get tough? What a sad joke on US!


US EPA has been lax on enforcement beginning with the Reagan years, and look at how they sided recently with industrial polluters in Montana.

In Butte, newly revealed documents show the government, US EPA siding with polluters https://dailymontanan.com/2023/03/04/in-butte-newly-revealed-documents-show-the-government-epa-siding-with-polluters/

Yes, starting in Reagan era with US EPA it’s been LACKS, LACKS, LACKS, and LACKS: They are just so LACKING in environmental compliance & enforcement, and every individual plant that LACKS proper environmental controls is ignored because elected officials only care is getting reelected to same or higher office. USA EPA LACKS what it takes as evidence by LACKS and others for each plant that LACKS legally required environmental controls polluting land & water (& air) resources with Leaky plants for half century plus. LACKS! LACKS!

Water is the new oil, and Republicans goal is to own & profitize all public infrastructure systems, including drinking water, roads, etc., thereby bleeding the public to feed their lust for greed & power, and to achieve human herd reduction to better control pending climate disaster, which in itself, will further help the GOP achieve their human heard reduction goals.

This is personal, because my Mother received hospice care and died at 88 after 10 yrs of treatment for nonHodgekins cancer contracted from industrial tainted public drinking water, & now my sister has same thing from same source (Plainfield Twp Water, MI, PFAS & Cr+6 contaminants from Wolverine World Wide shoes mfg).

Ask politician: “What is more important than Protecting Environment and Wellbeing and Health & Safety of Public for Common Good of Humanity & Planet?” ANSWER by MOST (esp. Republicans): Lust for GREED & POWER. People have to unite across the US and globe to save humanity and the planet:








Take lust for greed & power out of equation, and level of EVIL will decrease & goodness will increase, and humanity & planet may have a chance to survive = story of history for eons = has E[L]ON MUSKiness about it wouldn’t you say?

Republican Big Corps/Ultra-Wealthy don’t care if Leaky CRIMe plants continue to pollute US drinking water supplies, because bottom line profits matter most, & they all have highly sophisticated/expensive water purifiers in their homes that most people cannot afford, or were not aware they needed it.

Politicians in both GOP & Dem parties have let this continue to go on for over half century even though we have laws that forbid it.

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